Tuesday, September 29, 2009

General Update-090929

I didn't actually work on the farm today, but I did build two saw-horses which will help me with building the rabbit nest boxes. I felt pretty stupid in that I should have built saw-horses years ago. They could have helped me build the other stuff though up until I placed the last cage in the rabbitry I used the top of one of the cages to work on.

I also built a little platform to hold the metal cage that I've had for a few years now. I nailed a 2"x4" between the two rear inside rabbitry poles then added a cross piece and a leg. The cage had a galvanized "poop-pan" so I simply set it on the platform and placed the cage on top. I think I will also build some storage below the cage. The cage is kinda in the way but I thought I might use it to house the rabbit I try my experimental feed on... maybe not, maybe just overflow or quarantine, not sure.

I also spent some time planning my ferro-cement hut. I watched an lecture on TED (www.ted.com) concerning growing your own air which caused me to think about adding a small "air pod" to the design for growing plants in to increase air quality. The guy lecturing from India, kamal_meattle, said that they have been creating good air for their offices by growing three different plants in their buildings. He said that they had been logging an increase of something like a 1% oxygen increase over a 10 hr period. The URL for the lecture is:


They added Areca Palm, Mother-In-Law Tongue, and Money Plant in certain amounts per person and Kamal said that with those plants at those levels a person could live in a bottle. I thought about air quality of a sealed hurricane bunker. I imagined not having to worry about air quality, however it all relies on the health of the plants also so... Anyway, I added the air pod then tied it into a small aquaponics system with the water fed by the water catchment system. I have plenty of time before building this tough I would like to have it started this year if possible. I do need to spend a little time and money on my current house.


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