Friday, September 4, 2009

General Update-090904

Today when I got home I cleaned out the two 4'x8' raised beds in the front yard and the long raised bed on the West side of the house. I sprinkled some 13-13-13 on all the beds then turned the soil. I decided to pick up a couple of bags of top soil for each bed but when I got to WalMart they had no top soil so I will wait until tomorrow when I go to Lowes.

I found it interesting that in one of the beds was full of large very active earthworms. It was obvious that the worms liked the soil that was rich in organic material. The soil was full of un-rotted compost. By next Spring my compost should be ready and I will add it to the raised beds.

After I get the top soil I will plant the tomatoes and squash plants then move on to the rabbitry though I may also need a small drill bit. I might also get some 2"x4"s to put together some saw horses to help with the manure trays. Also I will spend a couple minutes on the chicken coop ladder and planning the other nest box. I will also spend some time putting up chicken wire on the chicken yard. I will need to saw off the end posts to the same length.


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